Aveling & Porter

Engines Built by Aveling & Porter

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Num Type Name Reg Built Class NHP Cyl Status  
5853 Road Roller NO 3326 1905 RC8 4 NHP C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
5995 Road Roller BF 5094 1906 RC8 C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
6240 Tractor Frustration AWB 997 1907 RC8 4 NHP C Preserved
7962 Road Roller KM 515 1913 BSDA 5 NHP C Preserved
8036 Road Roller Smokey Joe XN 4688 1913 BSDA 5 NHP C Preserved
11423 Tractor Smokey KM 2229 1926 L 4 NHP C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
11451 Tractor Kathryn PT 7442 1926 AA 3 NHP S Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
11486 Tractor Morning Star KM 7100 1926 L 4 NHP C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
11839 Tractor Oberon SM 6448 1927 L 4 NHP C Preserved
11918 Road Roller YT 4531 1927 LB 3 NHP C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
12152 Tractor Rosemary SC 1577 1928 L 4 NHP C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
12396 Tractor Princess Marina VB 5736 1929 AA 3 NHP S Preserved
12450 Road Roller Little Alex PG 1711 1929 AA 3 NHP S Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
12461 Tractor Princess Anne MY 953 1929 AA 3 NHP S Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
12766 Tractor Orinoco SM 9983 1931 L 4 NHP C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
14181 Tractor Cameronian TL 4427 1935 AA 3 NHP S Preserved

Please Note: All UK preserved engines are listed. At present overseas engines and scrapped engines do not represent a complete listing. Engines are listed as their present type, not the form they were built. You can filter engines by the type in which they were built using the right hand menu.