
Engines Built by Foden

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Num Type Name Reg Built Class NHP Cyl Status  
1742 Wagon Queen Mary M 2128 1908 C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
6350 Wagon M 8681 1916 4 NHP C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
6368 Wagon Pride of Edwin M 8118 1916 C Preserved
13274 Wagon LG 544 1929 C Preserved
13316 Wagon Sir Lionel UU 1283 1929 C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
13456 Wagon Majestic LG 2347 1929 C Preserved
13476 Wagon Lillie KX 5003 1929 4 NHP C Preserved There is a Picture of this Engine on Steam Scenes
13488 Wagon RO 6330 1929 C Preserved

Please Note: All UK preserved engines are listed. At present overseas engines and scrapped engines do not represent a complete listing. Engines are listed as their present type, not the form they were built. You can filter engines by the type in which they were built using the right hand menu.



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